Monday 6 August 2007


I've realised that Ryan Phillippe is the acting equivalent of a cocker spaniel. It doesn't matter what emotion he is trying to convey, his facial expression never changes. He seems to have a permanent bemused look on his face as if he has just been asked a particularly difficult question. This could well be something as challenging as what colour is green.
The latest film I watched to be ruined by the ex Mr Reese Witherspoon was Flags of our Fathers. Initially it had the potential to be a good film but it ended up being a bit shit. While the war sequences were well done, the acting wasn't great & the last half hour was shockingly bad. I think Clint Eastwood must have developed a drinking problem when he finished the film, it didn't fit in with the mood of the rest of the film and it's was just far too mawkish and sentimental in a way only American films can be.
The companion film Letters From Iwo Jima was better, this is the story from the Japanese point of view. However it was still an Americanised version. Certain scenes showed how the Japanese were influenced by American ideas, the implication being that this was better than the traditional Japanese way of doing this. Perhaps I was being a bit sensitive after the stars and stripes bravado of Flags of our Fathers but this did annoy me.
It did make me wonder if it is perhaps time Clint Eastwood retired from the film business. He obviously still has some talent but it's perhaps getting a bit patchy now. It would have been better if he had bowed out at the top after winning an Oscar for Million Dollar Baby

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