Thursday, 22 March 2007


I'm a big fan of the director Kevin Smith. Not only does he make very good, funny movies but he is also funny to watch when he is doing Q&A sessions. I've just finished watching An Evening With Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder and I thought it was great. There are 2 shows, one from Toronto and one from London. As you can imagine the audience and questions differ but both work well. However for any non Brits watching the London show, please don't think that Scottish people are like the English that are asking questions. Some of them are the stereotypical English yah, I was cringing at some points.
Anyway Kevin is an entertaining raconteur and he has a real potty mouth which can be very amusing. Whether he is talking about his parents having sex, shooting his wife for Playboy or sexual euphemisms, the stories are always very funny and peppered with numerous swear words (or as Kevin would have it, very fucking funny and shit)
The first An Evening With Kevin Smith dvd is more of the same, this time with American audiences. He trashes a few personalities (Prince and Tim Burton don't come out of it well) and tells a hilarious story about the first time he slept with his now wife. You can't actually believe he is telling the story to anyone let alone on a DVD, apparently his wife really wasn't impressed when she heard it. I don't want to spoil the story though so you will have to watch it yourself!
Whilst his films are unlikely to win any awards, I personally think they are all good even the ones that weren't as well received. Jersey Girl did get a bit of a mauling due to the Bennifer factor but I actually enjoyed it.
However my favourite is probably Mallrats. An unusual choice perhaps but it was the first Kevin Smith film I saw and I loved it, I don't think I have watched any other film more times. I watched it twice when I first hired it years ago which is something I never do and the video has been on a few times since I purchased it. Not entirely sure why I like it so much, think it just seemed very different to all the other films that I had seen and it struck a chord. The dialogue in all his films is great (it's good just reading the scripts) and the characters are strangely likeable. Plus Jay & Silent Bob are legends.
I guess this is a complete fan boy posting but I just thought I should share the truth.
Snootchie Bootchies

1 comment:

Scott said...

Tell 'em Steve-Dave!

The thing about his films I like is that each one makes you look on the others in a different light. Like Clerks. Brilliant film, but the sequel adds more poignancy to the story.

I have to agree on Mallrats though, first KS film I watched and it's had a place in my heart ever since.

Dogma is worth a mention for Jason Mewes' performance alone. "What the fuck is this shit, the piano?!" indeed.

I have to say though that Chasing Amy is my favourite. Snappy dialog, good plot, and some fantastic acting. Worth seeing it for Hooper X's "Star Wars is racist" speech alone.

Ironically, despite the fact I love Jay and Silent Bob as characters, I'm not that big a fan of their titluar film.

Just like your mom, nooch.