Thursday, 10 May 2007


It's going to be a long three and a half months at work until I can leave and go to University. Ever since I advised the managers of my plans, I have become increasingly marginalised in the office. There has always been an issue with communication and not being included in certain projects but it has been getting worse to the point were I actually feel I'm being deliberately excluded. I only get given work when there is no one else available to do it and when I'm involved in projects I never get told the full story. It's very difficult to remain motivated and to do a good job in these circumstances. It probably doesn't help that I'm still sitting in the corner facing a wall. They may as well just stick a dunce's cap on me and tell everyone not to talk to me.
Ultimately I shouldn't really care as firstly I'm leaving anyway and secondly I'm getting paid a decent wage for not doing very much. However it is very frustrating when you feel you are being excluded and the day drags by when you are bored. I'd rather be involved and be busy because then you at least feel useful and have an improved sense of fulfilment.
I can't wait to get to Uni so that I'll be challenged and actually be able to learn.

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