Monday, 5 March 2007

It's Vi-day-o

Is it a good idea to revisit tv programmes that you used to love watching? On the basis of Friday night then I'd have to say no.
In my younger days I thought Absolutely was one of the funniest comedies on tv. It was essentially a sketch show by a bunch of Scots but not in the traditional sense. It was quite surreal and some of it was just nonsense but in a good way. There were a number of classic recurring sketches most notably featuring the Stoneybridge town council and Calum Gillhooly (G for gnome, N for gnome....)
Imagine my delight to discover that there are old episodes to watch for free for those people like Sarah who have Virgin Replay. I excitedly settled down to watch one episode and I was sorely disappointed. Admittedly none of the classic characters I remembered appeared which may have contributed but I don't recall laughing once. I think I raised a smile twice but that was it. Most of the sketches just seemed to be weird for the sake of being weird rather than being amusing weird. I'm not sure if this was due to my comedy tastes evolving over the years or whether there was a lack of alternative quality shows to watch back then.
The upshot of this is that I have spent the last few years thinking Absolutely was one of my all time favourite shows but that belief has now been shattered. I don't feel like I have gained anything from the experience, indeed I think I would have been better off without having watched it again.
It's a good argument not to revisit the past, memories do tend to get distorted and it ain't always as good as you thought it was.

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